A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Been a while
Since the early 2000's, Adam has sung "It's been a while" any time someone said that phrase. We're not the only ones. Adam Scott and Scott Aukerman also fall victim to this ear worm on U Talking U2 to Me?.
Big Ben. Parliament!
A quote from National Lampoon's European Vacation. When the family gets stuck in a traffic circle, Clark keeps pointing out Big Ben and Parliament.
Born and raised on the water
Adam likes to poke fun at Leslie's early childhood. This has become a joke where he says she was "born and raised on the water." While she did spend a lot of time on the Maumee River where her enigmatic grandfather owned plots of land and an island, she wasn't really born and raised there. Her grandfather was also a member of the Grand Rapids Steamboat Excursion Line, who owned and operated the Shawnee Princess steam boat out of Providence Park.

Deep River
A quote from National Lampoon's Vacation. When the family is driving over the Mississippi, Clark sings "De-e-ee-p River..."
See also, Mighty Mississip.
In print
Refers to an article in the Washington Post about Adam and Brad's podcast, Gutterballs.
Interesting, Inneresting, Instristing
Leslie's mom subtly corrects anyone who says "in-tris-ting" by responding with the phrase, "That is INNE-resting."
Kristen Schall is a horse
Referencing the Radio Lab episode, Loops where they play a clip of Kristen Schall and Kurt Braunohler's infamous skit. In the skit, Kurt claps his hands and repeats the phrase "Kristen Schall is a horse, Kristen Schall is a horse, look at her dance, now look at her go, now look at her dance like a horse" so many times that the audience goes through an emotional rainbow of humor, fatigue, anger, confusion, and finally acceptance and hysterical laughter.
Louis L'Amour
Adam spent most of his adolescent years reading Louis L'Amour books. He often quotes survival tips from these books.
Magnum, P.I. Syndrome (MPIS)
MPIS (pronounced em-piss) is a condition that appeared in the 1980s as a result of Tom Selleck's super-sexy TV character. We believe Nan Ryan suffered from MPIS because of her obsession with chest hair and mustaches.

Making your way...the only way they know how
A mash-up of the Cheers and Dukes of Hazzard themes.
Memphis Tennessee
An homage to Andy Kaufman's "feud" with Jerry Lawler.
The mighty Mississip. The ole Miss. The old man.
It's hard to mention the Mississippi River without quoting Clark Griswold.
Put it on the list
A fictional list where Adam and Leslie track marriage infractions. This list will be the "proof of asshole-ness" in the event of divorce. Examples of infractions include: buying the wrong brand of milk, folding dress socks into a complete ball, and getting gas at the wrong gas station.
Seven Years
Obscure personal reference to short films we made with our friend Sean Kelly. In one scene, my sister suggests seeing Seven Years in Tibet for their date and he says, "Brad Pitt goin' at it for seven years? I can relate to that."
So sleepin'
Another obscure personal reference to the short films we made with our friend Sean Kelly. In one scene, his date falls asleep and she says, "she's so sleepin'."
Spanning Time
A quote from Buffalo 66. Vincent Gallo at his best.
Star of the show
Obscure personal reference to Leslie's mom's dog, Coco. When telling stories about Coco, Leslie's mom often says Coco was the "star of the show." In the Welch house, this phrase is used to acknowledge when you're acting like a Prima Donna.

That's an old cat...
Obscure personal reference: While discussing pussy hats and the Women's March, Leslie pretended a cat noise was coming from between her legs. Her friend lowered her eyes and (in her Chilean accent) said, "Das an old cat."
You're a sick f#$k, Larry!
Quoting Susie Green from Curb your Enthusiasm. **Video clip NSFW