Port Angeles We get ready for a long and important chapter, Bella’s girls from Phoenix are missing in the book but she misses estrogen,...

Legends of the Slapping Beaver Adam takes his sfx game to the next level, but not in a good way, we go play by play at the threesome...

Nightmares We don’t spoil Chinatown, no one is reading the book along with us and no one wants to be a guest on this show, dial up...

The “Crowded” Beach Lexi Smelch takes over hosting for this episode, Adam better get his panties buckled, Adam fails to make a case about...

Scary Stories Adam is in the market for some new sound effects, we briefly consider making the podcast Edie-friendly, Adam does not like...

The Apple of Temptation Adam grosses everyone out, there’s a weird scene in this movie that has no purpose, we swoon over the...

Blood Type We start off talking waaay too much about Florida, Leslie really screws up her Jesus impression, Adam is no match for Keanu....

Footloose We reveal the truth about Sadie Hawkins and it’s worse than we thought, the movie really starts to diverge from the book, Mike...